Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm a real boy

It's been quite a while since I did any personal blogging. I've really been wanting to blog but the last month and a half of my life was pretty much all about getting the first episodic fiction series for Hall Brothers Entertainment finished. But I've talked about that a lot lately, so what else is up with me?

As it turns out, not that much really. The newspaper is still chugging along. Summer can be something of a slump for us but surprisingly this summer stayed pretty busy thanks to a lot of goings on with the City Council. Still, the past three or four weeks we've finally hit that inevitable summer dip. But, school is back soon which means I'll be back on my many sports coverages and that's when things pick back up. It's almost football season and I'll be working with the radio show again this year as they do a live broadcast of all of the local high school football games, so that'll be cool. I had a lot of fun last year, it's awesome to get to experience working with a live radio broadcast. I handle all of the statistics for the guys and provide them with updates on all things stat related. So that'll be cool, I'm really looking forward to that.

In my personal life things are pretty tame as they usually are. I posted on Facebook about my crush on my bank teller a while back, that's still going on. She makes going to the bank into such an awesome task and we always have fun talking when I'm up there. I still have no idea if she's married, but think she probably is. It's silly but I get so wrapped up in talking to her that I never can remember to look at her finger to see if she has a ring on it. Several friends have given me good lines to use to find out if she is or isn't married and maybe one of these days I'll use one of them. For now I just enjoy having a crush and this girl really is someone who I love talking to and seeing for a few minutes every week. I enjoy it for what it is right now and don't feel all that rushed to try to turn it into something else. Maybe someday I'll give it a shot, but for now I'm perfectly happy just having a crush.

Mostly my life has been all about family and writing lately. Hall Brothers Entertainment is coming together so beautifully. The company has been in existence for only like two months now and yet it's so well defined and set up. We've got another month to go before our site goes live but working with my brother on it feels like such a natural and important thing. It feels like what we were meant to be doing all along. I know that may sound stupid and that's okay, but it's honestly how I feel about it. It's been such an inspiration to us both and it's given my already awesome life another level of awesomeness that I never imagined could exist. It's really been a motivator to just go for more in life. I see so many people who sleep, eat, work, rinse and repeat and I'm just interested in more than that.

Hall Brothers Entertainment is work, don't get me wrong, it's actually some of the hardest work I've ever done. But it absolutely proves the old saying that if you make what you love your job then you'll never work a day in your life. I've written over 90,000 words of an episodic fiction series in a month and a half and yet it never felt like work at all. It was really hard to get it done that fast, and yet it wasn't like this hard, awful challenge that I had to get past. It was this glorious challenge that was so much fun to take on and I can't tell you how elated I feel now that I finished the first season of that series.

There's a religious book titled "The Purpose Driven Life". I've never read it and can't even tell you who wrote it but I've always enjoyed the title. It's my belief that the difference between living and existing is having a purpose in your life above just the regular stuff. I don't care what it is, but I honestly believe that the difference between happiness and simply just "getting by" is by having that extra something you go after in life. Something that you're passionate about and inspired to go after, be it creating a fiction company with your brother or becoming a great fisherman or weaving your own baskets and selling them on ebay. I may only be 29 years old but it sure does feel like I've stumbled upon a pretty darn brilliant solution for staying excited and happy in my life by following this formula every single day. Lots of time with your family, keeping God in your heart and trying to live in a way that brings glory to him, and going after that something extra. It's the A.C. Hall secret to happiness and so far it's served me well.

See what I went and did? I get all excited and rambly and stuff. That's what happens when you wait too long between blog posts. You let too much stuff out all at once. I sincerely hope that all of you out there have been doing really well. It seems that blogging is sort of "out" with a lot of my friends right now which makes me sad. I love reading blog updates and yet it really has become a facebook and twitter world. That's mostly okay, I like following friends and family on those too, but for me I like the depth and length that only blog posts can give you.

And with that I shall finally shut up.