While I was working on all of that, my roommate/best friend got home from work and it turns out he wasn't having the best day. So we hung out for a while and talked and then played a card game. After that I'm honestly not positive what I did. Maybe played PS3 baseball or something? Regardless, the hours blazed past and before I knew it I needed to get ready to go cover high school football. I wasn't feeling very well, plus I was bummed to be missing the Rangers game, but I headed out. Turns out I had a fun night. The game went well for the home team and I again got put on the air during the radio show. This time I was doing color commentary for the last part of the 3rd quarter and some of the 4th. I wasn't talking quite loud enough (my mom said that I sounded like a little kid, hahaha) but other than that I was pleased with how it went. I'm getting comfortable because I'll be doing a full game in a few weeks and I need to be ready. My performance was still a bit robotic but it was devoid of the "uh" and "um" repetition that seriously marred my earliest radio appearances. So that was fun.
After the game, of course it was all about the Texas Rangers. I don't have a whole lot to say about it tonight. I followed the team very closely this year, went to several games at the stadium, and this is just a special team to me. Those who don't get deep into sports don't understand, and that's okay, but those that do know what I mean when I talk about just how special and meaningful this night was for me as a fan. I bought in to this team and these players, I was a part of their journey, and to have the Texas Rangers heading to the World Series is just an unfathomable dream come true. I'm especially happy for my dad and grandpa, both of whom have been such long time fans through all of the years of terrible teams. I went by to see them after the football game and my dad was re-watching the final inning. I have no problem telling you that I teared up sitting there experiencing it with him. What a special moment for this team, for this town, and for all of the fans. Just so awesome and amazing that our Texas Rangers are going to the World Series. It seems surreal to keep typing it.
So after that I came home and talked with my roommate and his big brother for a bit. Then I watched the recorded game, or at least the best parts. So awesome, and so wonderful for it to be the awful, evil Yankees that we beat to get there. Like most self respecting sports fans, I hate the Yankees and it seems poetic that we crushed them on our way to the top. Hearing the fans chant for Colby Lewis in the 8th inning was awesome, and watching Neftali dominate the Yankee batters in the 9th was awesome. Such an awesome experience.
And that was pretty much that for my day. I've now retired to my room, where I'm sitting in the pitch black darkness listening to the new Kings of Leon album, wide awake, even though I should be long since asleep. I'm probably going to read some submissions for the newest Hall Brothers Entertainment short story anthology and then watch a few episodes of Community season 1. It feels like a special night to be alive.
And for the picture of the night, this one says it all.