Monday, April 18, 2011

Simple Math

So it's not going to win me any maturity points in the great game of adulthood, but today was day one of putting myself on a strict bedtime and wakeup schedule. I've always been an erratic sleeper, usually going to bed between 2 and 3am and waking up around 10am. But lately it's slowly edged later and later, with some nights seeing me up until 4 and 5am and sleeping until 11 or even noon. I'm blessed with a pretty freewheeling job that rarely sees me needing to be up early, but the schedule was just messing with me bad. Sleeping that late makes me feel like a big portion of the day is lost and I just hate how it makes me feel. So last night I made the decision and enacted my one day turnaround plan. I couldn't fall asleep until around 5:30am but set my alarm for 9am and woke up. That's made today... interesting. There were bouts of staring off into space and nearly falling asleep, but for the most part I held it together and had a productive day. Now it's midnight, which is when I retreat into my room and start the bedtime countdown and get ready to shut down and head off to sleepyland. I'm weirdly looking forward to it and hope to establish a normal sleep routine for the first time in a long time.

One thing I did today was finish my Earth Day story for Hall Brothers Entertainment. It should be up at in the morning, so be sure you check that out and let me know your thoughts. Earth Day was a strange holiday to use for inspiration but I'm really happy with the direction my brother and I took our stories in. It's so weird how enjoyable the holiday stories are. I have a deep love of writing them and I feel like they represent some of our best work over at the website.

You'd think I'd have more to talk about than that, but I really don't. I spent some time mulling over the differences between baseball and softball on a long drive the other evening, that was interesting. Baseball is played pretty quietly, with almost a sort of reverence given to the game unfolding out on the field. Softball on the other hand is rowdy and loud, with the players singing songs and playfully taunting the other team and such. In a way it's sort of a gender role reversal, if you think about it, because men are generally thought of us rowdier than women but that's not the case in the baseball/softball comparison. That's about all I got on that one.

Alright, officially tired and going to bed. I hope everybody is having a great start to their weeks!

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