Saturday, August 20, 2011

I hate weekends

Current Project: Writing Black Badge Season 2
% Complete: 80

Considering that yesterday turned into a shopping bonanza, I still got a decent amount of writing done. My budget isn't too pleased that I finally wandered into some closing Border's bookstores, but I'm happy about it. Although I did feel like a vulture, picking at the carcass of something that matters to me. Bookstores closing is a bad, bad, thing, and I felt kind of crappy profiting (well, saving money, whatever) off of it, but I guess that's life.

I didn't actually start writing until around 11:00 pm, which is a bad time to start. But I did get 1600 words written, and finished the second scene in episode 10. It was another down scene, which is how I refer to scenes that don't include crazy action. Black Badge contains very few down scenes, so I try to have fun with them and pack them with more character interaction than "Look out!" or "I'm out of bullets!", hahaha. I'd love to finish this episode today, but I don't think I can, for reasons I'll get into below.

Other Stuff
I hate weekends. Imagine if your entire workweek was shoved into two days, add in an overnight second job, and you'll understand my Saturdays/Sundays. Sure, I have work during the week like sports coverages and city meetings and such, but the bulk of my work is done on the weekend. And I pretty much hate it. Everyone else I know has weekends off, which makes my weekends worse. Like this weekend, I've got a friend in town from Oklahoma, but he can only hang out today. I've got to write all day, and when the night comes I have to head out to do my second job, which means I pretty much will never be free on a Saturday.

But, oh well. My job is amazing, super awesome, and my life is amazing, super awesome. So I'm done complaining.

Not much else to talk about. Of the six books I bought yesterday, all six are sequels to books I already own, which I thought was kind of funny. I watched Point Break today while I was working. It's like the 75th time I've seen that movie, and I love it dearly each and every viewing. I've also sat through most of Spiderman too, which sadly I have to say doesn't hold up very well. I loved that movie a lot originally, but re-watching it is a little painful. It's so over the top cheesy and the effects don't hold up at all and the costumes are awful and yeah, I'm just not that much of a fan of it anymore I guess.

Alright, back to work, then having dinner with my family, then back to work, then off to my other work, then back home to get back to work, then back to work tomorrow morning through all day tomorrow, and hopefully back to work on Black Badge tomorrow night to finish up episode 10.

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